Deciding to get a tattoo can be an exciting and stressful experience. Once you've made the decision on the design, You may be wondering how long it takes to heal and completely cure.
On average, a tattoo takes between 2 and 4 weeks to heal, but the skin underneath the tattoo takes between 3 and 6 months to heal completely.
Even if, It depends on several factors such as the specific reactions of each person's skin, the size of the tattoo and ink colors that have been used.
If the tattoos are large, the colored areas may cause some inflammation in the skin since they are pricked with more needles and healing will take longer.
It is important to know all the factors and the time it takes for a tattoo to heal before you begin preparing for it.
Stages of healing a tattoo
When you get a tattoo you have to go through four stages of healing that you must experience until the skin is completely healed.
Inflammation: This is the first stage in which your body reacts to the trauma received by the skin, so it will send blood to the tattooed area causing swelling and redness.
This stage may last a few days, you will continue to feel the swelling may ooze, but the signs will disappear in about a week. The redness and swelling should disappear after two weeks.
Itch: La itching stage This would be the second one, it happens when it starts to heal, it also starts to peel off when the skin starts to heal. It is very important to avoid scratching the tattoo. If you notice any kind of rash, it could be a sign of an allergic reaction. The itching should generally disappear after two weeks.
Skin shedding: After 5 days you may notice some scabbing and flaking on your skin. This starts to happen when the tattoo is healing.
If the tattoo is large, the skin will begin to peel off, don't be afraid. because it is only the skin that is coming off not the tattoo, it is a symptom that the tattoo is healing. The skin comes off naturally.
Avoid picking at scabs or dry skin, as this can cause infection. They should disappear in approximately 2 to 3 weeks.
Skin Healing: At this stage you should start to see healing, it should not be red, itchy or peeling. Also, the dermis, beneath the tattooed surface, is still healing. It is forming new cells to heal and strengthen the injured skin so it may take a little longer in that area.
Tips for healing a tattoo faster
Proper aftercare can help healing properly, prevent infection, and heal faster.
It is very important that you follow the tattoo artist's instructions on how to apply the bandage or wrap.
Also, it is essential Apply an ointment during the first week that is specifically designed to relieve, soothe and repair damaged skin. immediately after getting the tattoo.
Clean the wound thoroughly. You should gently wash the tattoo with warm water and a fragrance-free cleanser up to three times a day.
Do not immerse a healing tattoo in hot baths, long showers, oceans, swimming pools, or hot tubs.
Avoid sun exposure if you have a tattoo, tanning beds, and direct sunlight for at least four weeks while it is healing.
There are Special products for tattoos, foaming cleansers and after-tattoo moisturizers that are specifically made for that purpose. They are dermatologically tested, 100% natural, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, vegan-friendly and suitable for all skin types.
You must be very careful not to scratch or pull off the skin on the tattoo because this can damage the ink or cause infections.
It is also important to be very careful with the friction of clothing, if you wear tight pants or shirts over the tattoo because they can irritate the skin. Friction can remove scabs and delay healing.
Finding the right tattoo artist
It is important to find the right tattoo artist who has experience in tattoo healing. The tattoo artist must have clean facilities and good hygiene to avoid infections.
When you meet with the tattoo artist, you'll want to discuss the healing process. The artist should be able to tell you how long it will take for the tattoo to heal and give you advice on what to do to help it heal faster. Tattoo artists should be able to provide you with useful information to help you through the healing process.
The tattoo design
The tattoo design will also play a role in how long it takes to heal. Depending on the complexity of the design, healing time could be longer. Designs with a lot of detail and color may take longer to heal.
The size and location of the tattoo
The size and location of the tattoo will also affect healing time. Smaller tattoos usually heal faster than larger ones.
The skin may take less time to heal if the tattoo is in an area that does not move much. Areas of the body where the skin moves, such as the hands or feet, will take longer to heal.
Your specific body
Your specific body's healing process will have the biggest influence on how long it takes for your tattoo to heal. The more time and money you spend on the tattoo artist and the design, the more likely it is to heal faster.
Finally, from choosing the right tattoo artist who has experience in tattoo healing to caring for the tattoo once it has been applied to the skin, there are many factors that will determine how long it takes for a tattoo to heal.
The design, size, and placement of the tattoo, and your specific body will all influence how long it will take to heal.
Finally, making some adjustments to your daily routine can help speed up the healing process. You now have good information about the stages of healing and the steps to take to speed up the process. The decision is up to you.