Sound that emits the conch is divine for many cultures. In India, it symbolizes the primeval sound, the origin of matter and the universe; specifically the white conch, which represents the sacred sound of the Dharma.
They believe that the god Vishnu he holds a conch shell in one of his hands and drives away demons with it. That is why the followers of Sivá (Visnu is part of the trimurti or three forms) wear one and in temples throughout India the conch shells are blown three times to begin and end the worship of the gods.
Its sound is similar to that of the ancient horn that called to battle, that is why it also symbolizes power and authority, so one of its functions was to scare away enemies, both human and supernatural and that is why the heroes carried in the battles white shells on which his name had been written.
In Polynesia it was also used to call into battle or give the voice of alarm. In Cantabria the bigaru is used to accompany the warrior dance of the Baila del Ibio. The Guanches of the Canary Islands, a land in which it is called bucio, and who also used it to start or end their work in the field.
In China it is a symbol of good luck and it was played when starting a trip since its sound can be heard at great distances. Symbol of fertility, as we saw the other day, in the province of Xi'an it was tolled at the beginning of the sowings so that they were abundant.
Musical instrument
It is one of the first musical instruments together with the horn or antler, it is known that it was already used 15.000 years ago during the Magdalenian period.
In pre-Columbian Mexico, God spoke through the wind-shaped snail; that's why when they blew and it rang loud, the sea snail became the instrument of His word. This is the reason why they represented some of their gods touching a seashell.
Sources-, wikipedia