Elbow tattoos I

Supports very interesting designs

Supports very interesting designs

Continuing with the post about areas of the body to be tattooed, today it is the turn of the elbow.

It is an area that is usually tattooed more hombres than women, it is not easy to find feminine designs so if you have one, do not hesitate to share it.

Characteristics of the tattoo on the elbow

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts

Pain: The elbow is one of the painful areas to get tattooed since it is all skin, nerve endings and bone. Have you ever hit your funny bone? Well that. You know, if you want to bear it better, this article you have some tips.

Esthetic: on a purely aesthetic level, the main problem with the elbow is that the skin on its tip can be very rough, so it is not aesthetic to tattoo a drawing around it and leave the skin untouched if not cared for. Another of its disadvantages is that the tip tends to wear out before other areas due to friction, although as we already know, the inks are getting better and better.

Designs: There are two ways to tattoo the elbow: tattooing the tip, that is, the entire surface of the elbow or tattooing around leaving the elbow bare without ink. Among the tattoos that cover the entire elbow include mandalas, spirals, flowers, ship rudders, heads, faces or skulls, triskels, as well as tribal designs. They are usually circle tattoos, taking advantage of the natural shape of this area.

Only around the elbow or expanding the area to cover the entire arm

Only around the elbow or expanding the area to cover the entire arm

Those who leave the bare tip They highlight it by contrasting the white of the skin with the exterior pattern. They are usually stars; the most common is the five-pointed one; as in everything, each one will give it the meaning they want; some may consider it a staff, but it does not meet your requirements.

The compass Rose, stars with more than five points and sea ​​stars.

You will say that I have passed talking about one of the most common elbow tattoos: that of the spider web. No, it is so complex that I will dedicate a post tomorrow to him alone.

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