Tattoos have gained a lot of popularity in recent years and there are many different techniques in various colors, different sizes, you could say that some are works of art on the skin.
These jobs can take several hours to complete or you may also want to have several done on your body, what really worries you is the level of pain you may feel for so many hours with the tattoo artist using the needles on your body.
For this reason the question that arises is: can anesthesia be applied to get a tattoo?
The answer is yes, there are several options, from topical, local and general anesthesia. In this article, we will discuss general anesthesia and its possible risks and complications.
What is general anesthesia?
General anesthesia is a type of sedation that allows a patient to undergo a surgical procedure without feeling or being aware of any pain.
It works by inducing a state of unconsciousness, paralysis and amnesia. General anesthesia is usually administered by intravenous administration of anesthetics, and is used for a variety of surgical procedures, including muscle relaxation, cardioversion, and chronic pain treatment.
To apply this type of anesthesia you will not feel any pain, but It must be administered by trained professionals. It is the option for people who want to get several tattoos or those that require more than one session.
The duration of the unconscious state will be controlled and monitored by the anesthesiologist throughout the procedure.
Can general anesthesia be used for tattooing?
General anesthesia can be used for tattooing, and is often considered a medical procedure. If a patient wishes to have multiple tattoos in one session and does not want to be aware of or experience pain, general anesthesia may be an appropriate option.
General anesthesia can also be used for large tattoos that cover large areas. extensive parts of the body, such as the back or chest.
Requirements for getting a tattoo under general anesthesia
- Tattooing under general anesthesia must be performed in an equipped medical center and under the supervision of trained professionals.
- Before the intervention is performed The doctor orders several tests to see the patient's general health and medical history. because the process can have risks and side effects.
What are the risks and complications of general anesthesia?
Like any medical procedure, general anesthesia has its risks and possible complications. The most serious is the risk of overdose, as well as allergic reactions to the anesthetic. and other medications used in the surgical process.
In extreme cases, general anesthesia can lead to complications such as cardiac arrhythmias, lung damage, and even death. There is also a risk of prolonged unconsciousness, paralysis, and brain damage as a result of general anesthesia.
Reasons not to use general anesthesia for tattooing
In fact, the risks and Complications are more serious when administered outside a hospital setting. If this is the case, it is not advisable to apply general anesthesia.
Some people believe that pain is like a rite of passage when getting a tattoo and that the experience of feeling pain creates a connection between the artwork and the person. Enduring pain is an integral part of the tattoo experience.
Other factors concern about the quality of the tattoo some artists claim that if the person is under sedation lMuscle attention that is not going to be the same can lead to a result that is not the expected one.
Rising costs are another cause for concern. Many tattoo studios are not licensed to use medical-grade anesthesia, which means they have to hire a specialized professional. This will ultimately drive up costs significantly.
In some tattoo parlors in large cities they offer the services of total anesthesia for clients, this is generally the case for large celebrity tattoos which require several sessions to perform.
What areas of the body are usually tattooed under anesthesia?
The areas recommended by artists are the chest and back, arms and legs.
Chest tattoos under anesthesia Depending on your pain threshold, it may be more or less uncomfortable for you. It is a very sensitive area, which is why the use of anesthesia allows you to have a painless experience when doing any type of tattoo in this very sensitive area.
Back tattoo with anesthesia You will avoid discomfort in the lumbar area where the skin is very sensitive to pain. In addition, back tattoos are usually quite extensive and take longer to complete. Remember that the spine area is very sensitive and the back is a perfect place to apply anesthesia and create a great design.
Full arm tattoos or sleeves They are a favorite of many tattoo lovers, they are very long and painful. The use of anesthesia allows you to have more comfortable sessions with relaxed muscles and faster recoveries.
On full leg tattoosThe same situation occurs with the arms. It is a perfect area to apply general anesthesia to make large tattoos without feeling pain.
How to prevent risks when using general anesthesia for tattooing
There are several steps you can take to minimize the risk of experiencing complications from general anesthesia when getting a tattoo.
First, you should always make sure that you go to a licensed and experienced anesthesiologist., as they will be able to identify potential drug interactions and provide correct dosages.
You should also make sure that your anesthesiologist have access to the necessary monitoring equipment and support staffFinally, it is important that you discuss any allergies or medical conditions you may have with your anesthesiologist prior to the procedure.
General anesthesia can be an effective way to get multiple tattoos in a short period of time, but It is important to be aware of the possible risks and complications.
Before you get a tattoo, be sure to talk to your anesthesiologist about steps you can take to minimize the risk of complications. And always make sure you choose an experienced tattoo artist and tattoo artist.
Knowing all the risks and possible complications will allow you to evaluate the entire situation before making a decision. This way you will ensure that your tattoo experience is as safe as possible and pain-free.