Musical tattoos: the union of two arts

musical tattoos

There was a moment when the famous French writer Victor Hugo referred to music saying: "Music expresses what cannot be said and what cannot remain silent." If this is a good phrase for this moment, it is because it can also be used for tattoos. Both arts can be united in one only when we are faced with musical tattoos.

Music is one of the top six arts. While it can be considered as an industry, there are many people for whom it is more than money. You just have to watch those young musicians who give concerts in the bars of the city for free or with minimal financial compensation, just to show their taste for music. Or see other groups, not so young anymore, who offer free tickets to concerts that end up being massive.

But you don't have to be a musician to enjoy it. A music lover is anyone who has a passion for music, even if it is sitting on the sofa at home with headphones plugged into the computer.

But in Tatuantes it has already been spoken about the generality of the music tattoos, so I'm not going to be repetitive. The aim of the article is offer different possibilities for tattooing music.

Music note tattoos

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They are the most common tattoos of this type. There is not much to explain about them, as their name says it all. Within this category we could include all the individual musical symbols: treble, F or C clefs; staves; pilot whales ... Anyone is worth. These tattoos may have proliferated as a result of becoming a fashion, but that does not mean that it is a perfect tattoo for those people who want to show their love for music with a tattoo of small dimensions.

Melody tattoos

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In this case, it is about tattooing the melody of a song, a soundtrack or your own invention. Which to choose? Of course, the best option is not to tattoo any song or melody just because, visually, the distribution of notes is beautiful. It is advisable to get a tattoo that is special for the person who is tattooed, either for a memory or for simple taste for the song. And those who know how to compose can show their talent on their skin.

Song lyrics tattoos

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This tattoo of the letter of Loves that kill, by Joaquín Sabina, serves to exemplify them. Contrary to the previous section, in this case, the most important thing is the letter. On the other hand, the recommendations for tattooing the right melody are the same: the best thing is to get tattooed that letter that has to do with oneself, like the personal situation, an experience ... or, again, the taste for the song itself.

Other tattoos related to music

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In these tattoos one of the previous options is mixed with another element related to music (instruments, stages, composers ...) or to an element that has nothing to do with art. In the latter case, a musical element can be mixed with another element related to another passion or hobby.

An example is the tattoo of the tree with musical notes instead of leaves. The first thing I see when looking at it is the love for music accompanied by the love for nature. Another option that comes to mind is that music is something natural, something necessary, like trees. And if I kept looking, I could come up with any other representation. As we have said before, it may just be a tattoo that the owner of the skin found beautiful. However, it is up to the person to decide that music is not fashion.

Music is something necessary for millions of people who cannot imagine the non-existence of it. And, if I may include another quote, Friedrich Nietzsche already said it once: "Without music, life would be a mistake". Can you think of any other way to wear tattooed music?

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