Although it is not the first time in Tattooing we talk about the russian doll tattoos, better known as «matreyoshka», It is always interesting to recall and talk about a very interesting tattoo whose meaning is very positive and which will surely attract your attention. And it is that, being a typical souvenir of trips to RussiaMany of us, as children, have played with these wooden dolls that kept a secret inside.
Russian dolls have always symbolized the birth of different generations of women. Something like representing a great-grandmother, grandmother, mother and daughter on a wooden doll. A whole generation of women in the family. It is something very typical in Russia and that, as we say, has become one of the icons of the distant country. Thanks to their coloring (although there are those who tattoo them in black) and all the folklore they represent, the Russian doll tattoos are very popular today.
What do Russian doll tattoos mean?
The symbolism and meaning that is associated with matryoshka dolls it is very interesting. Her name refers to the doll as the family flies, which is also named Babushka. The authentic Russian dolls, made of wood, have inside different dolls whose design is the same but they are smaller. Little by little we will take out a smaller and smaller doll until we reach the last one whose size is tiny compared to the first.
Often Russian dolls and therefore matryoshka tattoos, are used for represent femininity. They are a symbol of seduction as well as a way of being able to remember the family and friendship. In short, a tattoo with a symbolism and meaning rooted in family, friendship and love. In any case, very positive connotations.